Invoice Return
Return of the items from customer
List Invoice Returns
List all the invoice returns created
Direct Link:
- Log in to your MeroERP account.
- On the left navigation menu, browse to Sales > Manage Invoice Returns.
List Invoice Returns of an Invoice
Direct Link:
- Log in to your MeroERP account.
- On the left navigation menu, browse to Sales > Manage Invoices.
- Find the invoice of which you would like to view returns and click on it. This will redirect you to the Invoice Detail page.
- Locate the Returns panel and click on it. You can view all the invoice returns of that invoice.
Add Invoice Return
Direct Link:
Log in to your MeroERP account.
On the left navigation menu, browse to Sales > Manage Invoices.
Find the invoice of which you would like to create invoice return and click on it. This will redirect you to the Invoice Detail page.
Make sure the precondition stated is met.
Pre condition:
- Invoice Status: Processing or Completed
- Fulfillment Status: Partially Fulfilled or Fulfilled
- Shipping Status: Partially Delivered or Delivered
In the right buttons panel, click on Create Return. This will redirect you to Create Invoice Return page.
Fill in the required fields.
Invoice Return Information panel
*Return Type
- Return & Refund
- Refund
- Exchange
Note: In Return Type: Exchange, if there are no any shipping charge, the Payment Status will be set to Paid.
*Order Number: This is auto generated.
*Order Date
*Due Date
Buyer Information: This will be autofilled from Invoice.
- Name
- Order Number: This is bill number from the bill given by buyer
- Tax Number
- Contact No.
- *Billing Address
- *Return Address
In Items panel,select only those items you would like to return. Delete those items which you are not returning.
Set the quantity of the item/s you want to return.
Make changes in the Shipping Charge and Adjustment Amount if needed.
Here you have two options.
- Click on Save to create an Invoice Return with Invoice Return Status: Draft.
- Click on Save And Send to create an Invoice Return with Invoice Return Status: Sent.
View Invoice Return
Direct Link:
- Log in to your MeroERP account.
- On the left navigation menu, browse to Sales > Manage Invoice Returns.
- Find the invoice return which you would like to view and click on it. This will redirect you to the Invoice Return Detail page of that invoice return.
Search Invoice Return
Search any invoice return applying different filters
Direct Link:
Log in to your MeroERP account.
On the left navigation menu, browse to Sales > Manage Invoice Returns.
Apply the required filters. The filters available are
Predefined dates or Manual date
Invoice Return Status
- All
- Draft
- Pending
- Sent
- Approved
- Hold
- Processing
- Completed
- Rejected
- Cancelled
- Void
Title / Description
Order Number
Invoice Number
Payment Status
Return Type
Click on Apply filters.
Search for the invoice return from the results and select the invoice return that matches your keywords.
Delete Invoice Return
Method 1: From Invoice Return list
Direct Link:
- Log in to your MeroERP account.
- On the left navigation menu, browse to Sales > Manage Invoice Returns.
- Find the invoice return which you want to delete and make sure the pre condition is met.
Pre condition:
Invoice Return Status: Draft or Pending
- In the Actions Panel of that invoice return , click it and select Delete.
- A confirmation popup will appear then select Ok.
Method 2: From Invoice Detail page
Direct Link:
- Log in to your MeroERP account.
- On the left navigation menu, browse to Sales > Manage Invoices.
- Find the invoice of which you want to delete invoice return and select it. This will redirect you to the Invoice Detail page.
- Locate Returns panel, and click on it. You can view all the invoice returns.
- Find the invoice return you would like to delete. Locate the Actions panel of that invoice return and click on Delete.
- A confirmation popup will appear then select Ok.
Method 3: From Invoice Return Detail page via List Invoice Returns
Direct Link:
- Log in to your MeroERP account.
- On the left navigation menu, browse to Sales > Manage Invoice Returns.
- Find the invoice return which you want to delete and make sure the pre condition is met.
Pre condition:
Invoice Return Status: Draft or Pending
- Click on that invoice return. This will redirect you to Invoice Return Detail page.
- In the right buttons panel, find the Delete button. Hover your mouse over the button which says Delete. Click on it.
- A confirmation popup will appear then select Ok.
Method 4: From Invoice Return Detail page via Invoice Detail page
Direct Link:
- Log in to your MeroERP account.
- On the left navigation menu, browse to Sales > Manage Invoices.
- Find the invoice of which you want to delete invoice return and select it. This will redirect you to the Invoice Detail page.
- Locate Returns panel, and click on it. You can view all the invoice returns.
- Find the invoice return you would like to delete and click on it. This will redirect you to Invoice Return Detail page.
- Make sure the pre condition is met.
Pre condition: Invoice Return Status: Draft or Pending
- In the right buttons panel, find the Delete button. Hover your mouse over the button which says Delete. Click on it.
- A confirmation popup will appear then select Ok.
Note: Once an invoice return is deleted, it cannot be recovered. If you need to keep a record of the invoice, consider cancelling the invoice instead.
Cancel Invoice Return
Method 1: From Invoice Return list
Direct Link:
- Log in to your MeroERP account.
- On the left navigation menu, browse to Sales > Manage Invoice Returns.
- Find the invoice return which you want to cancel.
- In the Actions Panel of that invoice return , click it and select Cancel.
- A confirmation popup will appear. In the confirmation pop-up page,enter the reason for Cancellation and Confirm the Cancellation by selecting Proceed.
Method 2: From Invoice Return Detail page
Direct Link:
- Log in to your MeroERP account.
- On the left navigation menu, browse to Sales > Manage Invoice Returns.
- Find the invoice return which you want to cancel and click on it. This will redirect you to the Invoice Return Detail page.
- In the right buttons panel, click on Cancel.
- A confirmation popup will appear. In the confirmation pop-up page,enter the reason for Cancellation and Confirm the Cancellation by selecting Proceed.
Method 3: From Invoice Return Detail page via Invoice Detail page
Direct Link:
- Log in to your MeroERP account.
- On the left navigation menu, browse to Sales > Manage Invoices.
- Find the invoice of which you want to cancel invoice return and select it. This will redirect you to the Invoice Detail page.
- Locate Returns panel, and click on it. You can view all the invoice returns.
- Find the invoice return you would like to cancel and click on it. This will redirect you to Invoice Return Detail page.
- In the right buttons panel, click on Cancel.
- A confirmation popup will appear. In the confirmation pop-up page,enter the reason for Cancellation and Confirm the Cancellation by selecting Proceed.
Edit Invoice Return
Method 1: From Invoice Return list
Direct Link:
Log in to your MeroERP account.
On the left navigation menu, browse to Sales > Manage Invoice Returns.
Find the invoice return which you want to edit.
In the Actions Panel of that invoice return , click it and select Edit.
The following information can be updated
In Invoice Return Information
- Title
- Status:
- Order Date
- Order Due Date
In Buyer Information
- Name
- Order Number
- Tax Number
- Contact No.
- *Billing Address
- *Return Address
In Item Calculation
- Shipping Charge
- Adjustment Amount
Invoice Return Terms / Invoice Return Note / Invoice Return Footer
Update necessary information.
Click on Update.
Method 2: From Invoice Return Detail page
Direct Link:
Log in to your MeroERP account.
On the left navigation menu, browse to Sales > Manage Invoice Returns.
Find the invoice return which you want to edit and click on it. This will redirect you to Invoice Return Detail page.
In right buttons panel, click on Edit. This will redirect you to Update Invoice Return page.
The following information can be updated
In Invoice Return Information
- Title
- Status:
- Order Date
- Order Due Date
In Buyer Information
- Name
- Order Number
- Tax Number
- Contact No.
- *Billing Address
- *Return Address
In Item Calculation
- Shipping Charge
- Adjustment Amount
Invoice Return Terms / Invoice Return Note / Invoice Return Footer
Update necessary information.
Click on Update.
Method 3: From Invoice Detail page
Direct Link:
Log in to your MeroERP account.
On the left navigation menu, browse to Sales > Manage Invoices.
Find the invoice of which you want to cancel invoice return and select it. This will redirect you to the Invoice Detail page.
Locate Returns panel, and click on it. You can view all the invoice returns.
Find the invoice return you would like to edit and click on Edit of that return. This will redirect you to Invoice Return Update page.
The following information can be updated
In Invoice Return Information
- Title
- Status:
- Order Date
- Order Due Date
In Buyer Information
- Name
- Order Number
- Tax Number
- Contact No.
- *Billing Address
- *Return Address
In Item Calculation
- Shipping Charge
- Adjustment Amount
Invoice Return Terms / Invoice Return Note / Invoice Return Footer
Update necessary information.
Click on Update.
Change Invoice Return Status
Based on the status of order you can manually change the Invoice Return status.
Direct Link:
Log in to your MeroERP account.
On the left navigation menu, browse to Sales > Manage Invoice Returns.
Find the invoice return of which you would like to change return status.
Click on that invoice return. This will redirect you to Invoice Return Detail page.
In the Status panel, locate the Status field and click on the drop-down menu. The options available are:
- Draft
- Pending
- Receieved
- Approved
- Rejected
- Processing
- Hold
Choose the desired status for the invoice return from the available options.
Note: You can move status to and fro based on conditions.
Invoice Return Payment
Add Invoice Return Payment
Direct Link:
- Log in to your MeroERP account.
- On the left navigation menu, browse to Sales > Manage Invoice Returns.
- Find the invoice return of which you would like to add payment and click on it. This will redirect you to the Invoice Return Detail page.
- Make sure the Precondition stated is met.
- Invoice Return Status: Approved or Processing
- Payment Status: Not Paid or Partially Paid
Locate the Payment panel and click on it then click on Add. Create Payment pop up will appear.
Fill in the required fields.
- *Payment Date
- Reference No.
- Amount Due:It is auto filled. It is the remaining amount to be paid.
Note: Click on the drop down button in Amount Due row. It will autofill the Amount Given and Payment Amount with the Amount Due.
- *Amount Given
- *Payment Amount
- *Payment Method
- Payment Note
Click on Create.
View Invoice Return Payment
Direct Link:
- Log in to your MeroERP account.
- On the left navigation menu, browse to Sales > Manage Invoice Returns.
- Find the invoice return of which you would like to view payments made and click on it. This will redirect you to the Invoice Return Detail page.
- Locate the Payment panel and click on it. You can view all the payments made for this Invoice Return.
Edit Invoice Return Payment
Edit information of invoice return payment
Direct Link:
- Log in to your MeroERP account.
- On the left navigation menu, browse to Sales > Manage Invoice Returns.
- Find the invoice return of which you would like to edit payments made and click on it. This will redirect you to the Invoice Return Detail page.
- Locate the Payment panel and click on it. You can view all the payments made for this Invoice Return.
- Find the payment you would like to edit. Then click on Edit of that payment.
- Update the required fields and click on Update.
Note:You can't change the payment amount.
Delete Invoice Return Payment
Delete any invoice return payment due to mistakes in the recorded payment.
Direct Link:
- Log in to your MeroERP account.
- On the left navigation menu, browse to Sales > Manage Invoice Returns.
- Find the invoice return of which you would like to delete payments made and click on it. This will redirect you to the Invoice Return Detail page.
- Locate the Payment panel and click on it. You can view all the payments made for this Invoice Return.
- Find the payment you would like to delete. Then click on Delete.
- A confirmation popup will appear. In the confirmation pop-up page, click on Ok.
Toggle Stock Adjusted in Invoice Return
Confirm the stock adjustment status
Direct Link:
Log in to your MeroERP account.
On the left navigation menu, browse to Sales > Manage Invoice Returns.
Find the invoice return of which you would like to toggle stock adjusted status and click on it. This will redirect you to the Invoice Return Detail page.
Make sure the precondition stated is met.
- Return Type: Return & Refund
- Invoice Return Status: Processing
If the returned item's Manage stock status is True, make sure you created stock adjustment of the returned items. Then, Locate Stock Adjusted? toggle button and toggle to True.
If the returned item's Manage stock status is False, you don't need to create stock adjustment. Locate Stock Adjusted? toggle button and toggle to True.
Note: Return Type: Refund doesn't have Stock Adjusted toggle button, since in Refund no stock adjustment is needed.
Complete Invoice Return
Complete the invoice return order
Direct Link:
Log in to your MeroERP account.
On the left navigation menu, browse to Sales > Manage Invoice Returns.
Find the invoice return which you would like to complete and click on it. This will redirect you to the Invoice Return Detail page.
Make sure the precondition stated is met.
- Invoice Return Status: Processing
- Payment Status: Paid
- Stock Adjusted: True
In the right buttons panel, click on Complete.
A confirmation popup will appear then click on Proceed.
Void Invoice Return
Void the invoice return order
Direct Link:
Log in to your MeroERP account.
On the left navigation menu, browse to Sales > Manage Invoice Returns.
Find the invoice return which you would like to void and click on it. This will redirect you to the Invoice Return Detail page.
Make sure the precondition stated is met.
Invoice Return Status: Completed
In the right buttons panel, click on Void. A confirmation popup will appear.
Enter the reason for voiding the invoice then click on Proceed.
Download Invoice Return PDF
Download invoice return order pdf to share with customer
Direct Link:
- Log in to your MeroERP account.
- On the left navigation menu, browse to Sales > Manage Invoice Returns.
- Find the invoice return of which you would like to download pdf and click on it. This will redirect you to the Invoice Return Detail page.
- In the right buttons panel, find the Download button. Hover your mouse over the button which says Download. Click that button.
- The invoice return order pdf will be downloaded in A4 paper format.
Preview Invoice Return
Preview invoice return order
Direct Link:
- Log in to your MeroERP account.
- On the left navigation menu, browse to Sales > Manage Invoice Returns.
- Find the invoice return of which you would like to preview invoice return and click on it. This will redirect you to the Invoice Return Detail page.
- In the right buttons panel, find the Preview button. Hover your mouse over the button which says Preview. Click that buton.
- Invoice Return Preview popup will appear.
Print Invoice Return PDF
Print invoice return order
Direct Link:
- Log in to your MeroERP account.
- On the left navigation menu, browse to Sales > Manage Invoice Returns.
- Find the invoice return of which you would like to print invoice return and click on it. This will redirect you to the Invoice Return Detail page.
- In the right buttons panel, find the Print button. Hover your mouse over the button which says Print. Click that buton.
- This will open up printing page. Select Printer and other details.
- Click on Print to print the page.
Invoice Return Note
Add Invoice Return Note
Direct Link:
- Log in to your MeroERP account.
- On the left navigation menu, browse to Sales > Manage Invoice Returns.
- Find the invoice return in which you would like to Add Notes and click on it. This will redirect you to the Invoice Return Detail page.
- Locate Notes panel. Click on the empty textbox below Add Note.
- Fill the textbox with note.
- Choose either Private Note or Public Note.
- Click on Save.
Delete Invoice Return Note
Direct Link:
- Log in to your MeroERP account.
- On the left navigation menu, browse to Sales > Manage Invoice Returns.
- Find the invoice return in which you would like to Add Notes and click on it. This will redirect you to the Invoice Return Detail page.
- Locate Notes panel. Locate the note you would like to delete.
- Click on the Delete option at the end of the note.
- A confirmation popup will appear. Click on Continue and the note will be deleted.